This is really just a placeholder post until I have something to write about.

See the README on Bitbucket for how I set up this site.

I’ve included some of the videos I found helpful while researching AWS Amplify, my hosting provider.

“I’m not a front-end developer, so …” is a phrase you might here in these videos. It describes me too, and so I am grateful to these other backend developers for taking the time to show us how it’s done.

Marcia Villalba uses Amplify to host a static website. This walked me through the whole process end to end and gave me the confidence to launch my site. It gives demos for Hugo and React, but and I figured out the build steps for Jekyll myself.

Marcia Villalba again taking it further, using Amplify to add backend services. I’ve not watched this yet, but I might need it soon.

Heitor Lessa uses Amplify to build a whole really complex serverless app for a fictional airline. This is a lot more complex than I need for this site, but he did recommend some useful UI design tools.

  • - for categorized inspiration from UIs in the wild
  • - for generating color palettes
  • - for storyboarding / wireframing
  • - for pretty HTML templates